News, announcements

cOAlition S - a Group of RFOs in Cooperation with the European Commission and the ERC Announces 10 Principles to Decisively Implement Open Access of Scholarly Publishing by 2020

(Brussels, September 4 2018) A group of eleven research funding organisations (RFOs), members of the Science Europe has today, in cooperation with the European Commission and the European Research Council (ERC) announced joint collaboration for decisive advancement towards the Open Access of scholarly publishing by 2020. The collaboration is corner stoned around the Plan S, announced at the side of the ESOF 2018 (EuroScience Open Forum) in Toulouse.

The focal objective of the initiative, called cOAlition S is to jointly develop necessary measures and enable realisation of the main principle: “By 2020 scientific publications that result from research funded by public grants provided by participating national and European research councils and funding bodies, must be published in compliant Open Access Journals or on compliant Open Access Platforms.” Generally, the initiative will pursue 10 Principles of Plan S, among them, for example removal of publication paywalls (i.e. journal subscription fees or fees for accessing individual papers) and safeguarding individual researchers to publish freely by shifting publication fees burden away from individuals. In this regard, the Plan S encourages funders, libraries and research performers to work together to develop models to cover publication fees or services (where applicable) in a balanced way.

Slovenian Research Agency has supported the cOAlition S as efforts are timely and well in line with objectives set by the  National strategy of open access to scientific publications and research data in Slovenia 2015-2020.

